
How To Stop Instagram From Scrolling To The Top [ Keeping Control ]

How To Stop Instagram From Scrolling To The Top if a user posts. So he looks up to you very quickly. In this, users have to face a lot of problems with Instagram From Scrolling. They read or watch the entire content.

This is also an easy method for surfers. Auto-scrolling keeps content scrolling automatically. We have some methods for users. By which you can prevent Atoscol. We will tell you how to use this method in this article to control or Stop Instagram From Scrolling.

You will learn :

  1. Turn on the data saver
  2. Hold down on a post
  3. use the Instagram desktop version

How To Stop Instagram From Scrolling To The Top:

How To Stop Instagram From Scrolling To The Top

Guided in infographics :


Step 1: Turn On The Data Saver :

You can turn off Data Saver to prevent auto-scrolling. Minimizes Instagram content, which can greatly improve the battery life of your mobile. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that auto-scrolling can be turned off. You can try something like this.

  • Open Instagram app
  • Open your profile and click on the bottom right corner
  • Click on horizontal three lines
  • Click on setting
  • Click on account
  • Click on account
  • Click on cellar data use
  • Switch next to data saver

Step 2: Hold Down On A Post:

We also have another way to stop auto-scrolling. Go to any post. And hold it will stop you from scrolling. As soon as you remove your finger from the screen. Then the post will start scrolling again.

You have to press your finger on the same post. Hold it for a few seconds. You will read the complete post. And will see. You will see a menu at the bottom of the screen. If you want, I have read the entire post. So you can remove your finger from the screen.

Step 3: Use The Instagram Desktop Version:

If you have a laptop or computer. So you can use the version of Instagram on your computer or laptop. So that Instagram can stop scrolling itself. There is no such feature for computer or laptop users.

Which does the scrolling automatically. To use Instagram, just put the name of Instagram in Google. And open it on your laptop or computer. Log in with your account.

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